Ok, me – Johannes – again. I had a long chat with Felix tonight and it was great to hear about your course – he spoke of a lot of talent, and naturally I would like to see more here on the site – also because starting tomorrow we are going on a reading tour through Germany (eight readings in ten days … ) and I would like to tell a lot of people about the whole project and tell them to look on our site for more information and for updates.
Felix also told me about some reactions to the poems. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them, although explaining poetry can lead you in the completely wrong direction. And then again, for some of the poems you will have to do some research I suppose.
But if I may give you a small hint: If you don't know what to make of a poem, then work with that notion! A good example is the illustration Felix made for the new issue of the magazine (its coming out tomorrow!). In this issue we had illustrations first and I gave the illustrations to writers as inspiration for their texts. The author that got Felix' illustration did not know what to do with the illustration at all. I met him here in Berlin, we sat in a bar and he kept on telling me how he couldn't relate to the illustration. And in his description of how he couldn't relate to the illustration, he developed a whole set of pictures that could gradually be formed into a story, and it is one of the best ones in the magazine!
So naturally I can try to answer any questions, but as I said: otherwise try to work with the notion of not being able to relate to the poems!
And, this issue of the magazine is also about showing our readers your every-day lives, and maybe single words can already help in that direction!
So much for the literature.
I thought a bit more about the colour. If you have any ideas for a Pantone colour we could use then just tell me the numbers and I can have a look at them. We'll have to make a decision soon, so just write what you think. Colours we have used so far, and which should not be used again are: gold, silver, neon orange, neon green, purple, a blueish green, and a very cool colour that looks yellow in daylight and green with artificial light. I can look up the numbers if you want, but not tonight.
It would be great if we could organize a small conference of sorts where we can speak to each other. Felix told me that you can get access to an LCD projector in the room where he gives his classes, so maybe we could just skype and talk to each other more or less face to face!
Felix also told me a lot about his impressions of Jerusalem so far, and I am really looking forward to seeing you in January!
One last thing: You can find me on facebook, you can also write any questions there, so just go ahaid!
All the best for now and let me see more of your work!