Mittwoch, 31. Dezember 2008
New Comments and general remarks again
Hi everybody,
we've commented on the illustrations again, I hope you read the comments!
Generally we think its great that so many posts have been uploaded in the last week, but still there are a few things that all of you have to consider:
- keep the deadlines! Once we've made a decision we won't change it, so late illustrations are simply a waste of your work!
- we need more! We really need more posts – from all of you! There will be new texts on our download page soon, and we really want to see results very soon!
- Accessory: We still haven't found an illustration for „Accessory“. I would like to ask all of you to come up with an illustration by the beginning of next week.
- Our remarks: The remarks are all quite general, but we also want to see whether you have actually changed your work according to our hints.
- The texts. We have the impression that some of you don't work closely enough with the texts. An example: It is not possible that somebody writes that he/she doesn't know what a Knacker is. It takes two minutes to find it on the net, and we expect that you put some thought to the illustrations. If you don't know what a knacker is, how are you supposed to know what the text is about? You have all freedom with your work, but it has to be informed freedom, otherwise its just random.
Thats about it. Please take it to heart, we want the magazine to be the best we have brought out yet, and our standards have to be as high as possible! So post your work!
At the end a remark from Felix: Dalit organised a tour for the class, he will be better then and is very much looking forward to seeing all of you on the 4th.
We're all looking forward to the next illustrations, especially about the war in Gaza.
If you have any questions, please post them on the blogg!
But for now, I hope all of you have a great New Year's Eve!
All the best from Berlin:
we've commented on the illustrations again, I hope you read the comments!
Generally we think its great that so many posts have been uploaded in the last week, but still there are a few things that all of you have to consider:
- keep the deadlines! Once we've made a decision we won't change it, so late illustrations are simply a waste of your work!
- we need more! We really need more posts – from all of you! There will be new texts on our download page soon, and we really want to see results very soon!
- Accessory: We still haven't found an illustration for „Accessory“. I would like to ask all of you to come up with an illustration by the beginning of next week.
- Our remarks: The remarks are all quite general, but we also want to see whether you have actually changed your work according to our hints.
- The texts. We have the impression that some of you don't work closely enough with the texts. An example: It is not possible that somebody writes that he/she doesn't know what a Knacker is. It takes two minutes to find it on the net, and we expect that you put some thought to the illustrations. If you don't know what a knacker is, how are you supposed to know what the text is about? You have all freedom with your work, but it has to be informed freedom, otherwise its just random.
Thats about it. Please take it to heart, we want the magazine to be the best we have brought out yet, and our standards have to be as high as possible! So post your work!
At the end a remark from Felix: Dalit organised a tour for the class, he will be better then and is very much looking forward to seeing all of you on the 4th.
We're all looking forward to the next illustrations, especially about the war in Gaza.
If you have any questions, please post them on the blogg!
But for now, I hope all of you have a great New Year's Eve!
All the best from Berlin:
Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008
tour to the western wall tunnels...
hello again!
to all those in israel, we plan on going to the western wall tunnels on sunday at 19:00 and i need to know in advance how many of u would like to come... i hope there will be some time to sketch in the tunnels, it will depend on how crowded it is...
we need 12 ppl in order to go so pls write back on the blog if u r planning on coming!
dalit :)
Tomorrow, Homework, etc.
I'm afraid I can't be there tomorrow, so I would like to ask you to post your work for the last poem and the „Knacker“ on the blog. The deadline is tomorrow evening! Dozi, Johannes, and I will decide again on the 2nd.
The homework for next week is the following: I want all of you to illustrate your personal view of the war in Gaza. The topic of the magazine is every day life, and as our every day lives are influenced by the war at the moment, I would ask you to take this exercise very seriously. Please use the blog for this too, so that we can start a discussion on the blog site. The technical premises are the same, so we want black+white+blue.
Some of the illustrations will be integrated into the magazine.
At the beginning of next week we will have new texts again.
I also want to say that the postponement of Johannes' and Dozi's journey to Israel does not influence the deadlines of the project at all, when they come, we will be setting the magazone, and the deadlines are still the same as well as the publication date!
So to all of you: All the best, and have a good time working on the new tasks!
The homework for next week is the following: I want all of you to illustrate your personal view of the war in Gaza. The topic of the magazine is every day life, and as our every day lives are influenced by the war at the moment, I would ask you to take this exercise very seriously. Please use the blog for this too, so that we can start a discussion on the blog site. The technical premises are the same, so we want black+white+blue.
Some of the illustrations will be integrated into the magazine.
At the beginning of next week we will have new texts again.
I also want to say that the postponement of Johannes' and Dozi's journey to Israel does not influence the deadlines of the project at all, when they come, we will be setting the magazone, and the deadlines are still the same as well as the publication date!
So to all of you: All the best, and have a good time working on the new tasks!
course tomorrow
Hi everybody,
this time a short mail about the files. Could you please send the files to us using rapidshare?
It is quite easy really, and better than cluttering the server full of giant files! So all of you who we have already yhosen, please go to www.rapidshare.com and enter dozi's e-mail address (dozi@nikolaushaus.de) as the recipient, then he'll receive a link to the file and he can download it from rapidshare. Please send the files as soon as possible, we have to get started with setting. And: Please remember the formats that Felix gave to you at the beginning of the course!
All the best,
this time a short mail about the files. Could you please send the files to us using rapidshare?
It is quite easy really, and better than cluttering the server full of giant files! So all of you who we have already yhosen, please go to www.rapidshare.com and enter dozi's e-mail address (dozi@nikolaushaus.de) as the recipient, then he'll receive a link to the file and he can download it from rapidshare. Please send the files as soon as possible, we have to get started with setting. And: Please remember the formats that Felix gave to you at the beginning of the course!
All the best,
Montag, 29. Dezember 2008
sorry for the late post.
About the war and the Magazine
Hi everyone,
Im also depress because of the situation and the war and the killing.
I dont know how exactly but I believe we should refer to that in the magazine somehow. After all to my opinion, we, artists, need to reflect reality and not ignore it
and sadly this is our reality.
Im also depress because of the situation and the war and the killing.
I dont know how exactly but I believe we should refer to that in the magazine somehow. After all to my opinion, we, artists, need to reflect reality and not ignore it
and sadly this is our reality.
War in Gaza, trouble for us.
Hi everybody, we're writing with mixed feelings today as this morning we received a call in which we were told that our funding for the journey to Israel has been frozen due to the events in Gaza at the moment and for fear of it spreading. The reading with the Austrians doesn't seem too safe for you guys either, I can understand that at least, but its still balls up.
And as if that isn't enough, the insurance wouldn't cover for our journey at the moment if we were to come.
We spoke to a lot of people from flight managers to insurance people to the forign ministry, and there is simply no way we can come in the next few days. There is a bright side to it all, though, at least for us: We're definitely coming on February 2nd, whatever happens! So its not cancelled but simply postponed, as everybody hopes and believes that the situation will have calmed down until then and that we'll get a green light from all necessary official places. I spoke to Felix at least ten times today and he told me about the situation in Jerusalem itself, and it is very sad that even though Jerusalem is not in the same direct political situation, we have the consequences as if it were.
But everybody has been very helpful throughout the troubles, we have spoken to the Goethe Institute and they are giving us a new date, so when we come it will all be the same, just later.
Even though we are quite depressed right now, the project itself is not influenced by the postponement at all. So keep posting, we'll be even more active on the site! We're pleased to see that the blog is coming along very well, it looks very good, and we're looking forward to the magazine! So to all of you who have been posting a lot in the last couple of days: Thanks, keep it up!
And there is also some more good news, but Felix can tell you all about that when you see him on Wednesday – just a hint: Scrapbook!
So. All the best from us for now, lets keep working hard, the project is a great thing after all, and I'm looking forward to seeing you, even if its later than I thought.
Johannes & Felix
And as if that isn't enough, the insurance wouldn't cover for our journey at the moment if we were to come.
We spoke to a lot of people from flight managers to insurance people to the forign ministry, and there is simply no way we can come in the next few days. There is a bright side to it all, though, at least for us: We're definitely coming on February 2nd, whatever happens! So its not cancelled but simply postponed, as everybody hopes and believes that the situation will have calmed down until then and that we'll get a green light from all necessary official places. I spoke to Felix at least ten times today and he told me about the situation in Jerusalem itself, and it is very sad that even though Jerusalem is not in the same direct political situation, we have the consequences as if it were.
But everybody has been very helpful throughout the troubles, we have spoken to the Goethe Institute and they are giving us a new date, so when we come it will all be the same, just later.
Even though we are quite depressed right now, the project itself is not influenced by the postponement at all. So keep posting, we'll be even more active on the site! We're pleased to see that the blog is coming along very well, it looks very good, and we're looking forward to the magazine! So to all of you who have been posting a lot in the last couple of days: Thanks, keep it up!
And there is also some more good news, but Felix can tell you all about that when you see him on Wednesday – just a hint: Scrapbook!
So. All the best from us for now, lets keep working hard, the project is a great thing after all, and I'm looking forward to seeing you, even if its later than I thought.
Johannes & Felix
Sonntag, 28. Dezember 2008
Samstag, 27. Dezember 2008

Hey everyone,
I'm uploading a sketch I made of the poster for the two events in Jerusalem next month.
I changed the format to A3, I thought this could work better. The text is still not there because we need to match the English and Hebrew texts so they would say the same, and it's not done yet.
So, what do you say?
Short Shout
Hey everybody, I just went to the blog and saw that a lot is happening from your side – great!
I'll be uploading new texts again on Monday, so take a look at them! I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon in Jerusalem!
I'll be uploading new texts again on Monday, so take a look at them! I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon in Jerusalem!
Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008
Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008
A further remark inspired by Gidi's text
Hi guys, this post is initially a reaction to Gidis question but the sucus counts for everybody. Just one thing ahead: I write with a literary perspective, but don't be put off by the terms, you can apply them to illustrations without any greater problems. So here you go, to Gidi: It depends very much on the perspective with your work. For me, the illustrations all have a distinct position, a „voice“ as I would say in literary terms. That is of course a very good thing, as standard positions can be found anywhere and far too often. Nobody needs repetitious art – its your very own distinctive view that counts, and its exactly this view that can lead to readers accquiring new positions – its a simple process really. But the problem with a distinct singular voice is of course that it has to be brought forward in a clear manner. And thats where I think you could definitely improve your approach. State your position loud and clear and as well as possible. The last part is the most important of course. If you have a distinct style that differs from others you have to put a lot more work and discipline into phrasing it well, into making it untouchable. It has to be difficult to find fault in your work – the illustration has to make us think „I don't know what the hell this is or where it came from – but we love it!“
Is this helpful? Hm. At least it has to be clear that you actually want people to see what you're doing because you actually have something to say!
Is this helpful? Hm. At least it has to be clear that you actually want people to see what you're doing because you actually have something to say!
hi Johannes
thanks for the comments, i really appreciate it.
i would like to ask you to elaborate some more on my illustrations, if you have the time, as i feel i am a little stuck with them, especially, how to take my initial ideas to the next step.
if Dozi has any comments, he's more than welcome to send them in the blog too, i will be happy to hear any comments from the magazine designer.
by the way, what exactly do you mean shy with my illustrations ?
Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008

Hello, this is for second urbane panneau.
also, we opened a facebook group, so you're all welcome to join it
- nitzan
Some examples

Hey everybody!
Dozi sat down to roughly set the first illustrations – can you please send the illustrations in high resolution to dozi@nikolauhaus.de? You'll have to have a look at the general information Felix gave you at the beginning of the course because of the formats so we don't have to do any cutting.
One thing to „in grey“: How about changing the colour around? We've tried it out an personally I think its very cool. If you have a poem called „in grey“ why actually use grey? I've uploaded that one again in blue – what do you think? All the best,
Oh, before I forget: Please remember to add your names to the posts, otherwise we can't tell who did what!
Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2008
General remarks for everybody
Ok guys, so now the post with general remarks.
I spoke to Felix a lot in the last couple of days and I have to get this off of my chest, otherwise I might just burst. We're trying to get a magazine out and we need illustrations to the texts. Honestly, we need more dedication here! There is the magazine on the one side: Our magazine has lots and lots of readers that are used to a certain quality, and this issue with you guys has to work! Naturally this whole course with Felix has a different background too: We are always looking for people to illustrate books, to illustrate for other magazines, etc. A lot of the people that have published their work in our magazine have gone on to great stuff with publications all over the place! This is a great chance to show-case your work, and a chance to get a foot in the door of Germany's illustration scene which is one of the largest in the world. We can do an exhibition with your work here in Berlin, but so far we haven't even got enough to exhibit! So really guys: Get started! To those who have submitted a lot so far: keep it up! You can tell by our decisions that we're not looking for one certain style, we're looking for diversity! Ok, you can see that I'm maybe a bit worried and I tend to be impatient, but again: We are talking about art here, and art needs dedication and a certain amount of impatience too!
Dozi has come to Berlin to spend Christmas with me and my wife, and we'll be working a lot too –. We're also preparing for our stay in Jerusalem. We're planning a couple of talks, and we would like to know what you're interested in. With Felix, Dozi and myself you've got people from all relevant backgrounds for illustration and we've been through all stages so if you have any requests in which direction our talks should go, write them to us on the blogg. Oh, and before I forget: Someone asked who Dozi is –. Dozi is the Art Director of the magazine and co-owner of the publishing house. He is without a doubt one of the best young designers in Germany and in my oppinion the best magazine designer around. And he is just a great guy and you can have a lot of fun with him when he's in Jerusalem with us!
We've got a lot of plans for our stay and you can also start thinking about the presentation on the 13th. By the way: Please remember both dates (January 8th and 13th), tell freinds, family, anyone really!
So there you go!
All the best to you guys, I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!
I spoke to Felix a lot in the last couple of days and I have to get this off of my chest, otherwise I might just burst. We're trying to get a magazine out and we need illustrations to the texts. Honestly, we need more dedication here! There is the magazine on the one side: Our magazine has lots and lots of readers that are used to a certain quality, and this issue with you guys has to work! Naturally this whole course with Felix has a different background too: We are always looking for people to illustrate books, to illustrate for other magazines, etc. A lot of the people that have published their work in our magazine have gone on to great stuff with publications all over the place! This is a great chance to show-case your work, and a chance to get a foot in the door of Germany's illustration scene which is one of the largest in the world. We can do an exhibition with your work here in Berlin, but so far we haven't even got enough to exhibit! So really guys: Get started! To those who have submitted a lot so far: keep it up! You can tell by our decisions that we're not looking for one certain style, we're looking for diversity! Ok, you can see that I'm maybe a bit worried and I tend to be impatient, but again: We are talking about art here, and art needs dedication and a certain amount of impatience too!
Dozi has come to Berlin to spend Christmas with me and my wife, and we'll be working a lot too –. We're also preparing for our stay in Jerusalem. We're planning a couple of talks, and we would like to know what you're interested in. With Felix, Dozi and myself you've got people from all relevant backgrounds for illustration and we've been through all stages so if you have any requests in which direction our talks should go, write them to us on the blogg. Oh, and before I forget: Someone asked who Dozi is –. Dozi is the Art Director of the magazine and co-owner of the publishing house. He is without a doubt one of the best young designers in Germany and in my oppinion the best magazine designer around. And he is just a great guy and you can have a lot of fun with him when he's in Jerusalem with us!
We've got a lot of plans for our stay and you can also start thinking about the presentation on the 13th. By the way: Please remember both dates (January 8th and 13th), tell freinds, family, anyone really!
So there you go!
All the best to you guys, I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!
Decisions and a long post – everyone read it!
Ok guys, as I said, we've made some decisions. I'll just sort them by the poems. Everybody who has been chosen now: Please send your illustrations to: dozi@nikolaushaus.de, and please remember the guidelines Felix gave you at the beginning of the course! I'll write a more general post in a moment, this one is just about decisions!
- „In grey“
Anna Sh
We'll take your illustration, its great and will be a very good addition to the entire composition of the magazine. We'll have to talk about the layouting but Dozi can do that with you. talk to Dozi about the Layouting
Oren: We like the style of your figure very much. Why not keep the figure and try something for one of the new texts?
Miryam and Itai we like, but I'm afraid it just won't do. We need new illustrations for this poem. It is one of the most difficult ones, I know. But honestly: All of you can do a lot more for this poem! I wrote it before, but the balance betwenn poem and illustration has to be as close to equal as we can get. This poem is a real challenge and an opportunity for anyone who can tackle it!
Lena again. I'm almost a little reluctant to say it, but the illustration is simply the best one. And here of course we're in a bit of a bog, because we didn't want to use two illustrations from one of you but more about that later. So: Lena, please send your illustration to Dozi!
„On foot“:
We would like to take Sofia's illustration for this poem. But: Please send us a scan of the whole page, and could you maybe write a translation of „on foot“ (just the title, not the whole poem of course!) below the illustration? We like the style of your work, and it is also a decision for diversity, so please send the illustration to Dozi.
So far so good. Just a few remarks for those who submitted more posts:
gidi: We really like the way you're working for the blogg. Keep it up! We would like to use Felix' „portrait“ for an afterword in the magazine, maybe you can do more of these illustrations when we are in Jerusalem? And: We really want to use some of your work but we keep finding details that don't want to fit – just keep it up and maybe try to be a little less shy with your work!
We really like the picture you posted and could definitely use it for something in the magazine, but you have to get rid of that photo!
I spoke to Felix again about your picture. I've seen that you've posted a new version, but I would like to ask you to try the following: Why not draw the soldier linear and colour the wall? We won't use it for „in grey“ but we'll use it for something else!
Thanks to everybody for their work so far. New texts have been uploaded, and we really need good results soon, so keep on drawing!
- „In grey“
Anna Sh
We'll take your illustration, its great and will be a very good addition to the entire composition of the magazine. We'll have to talk about the layouting but Dozi can do that with you. talk to Dozi about the Layouting
Oren: We like the style of your figure very much. Why not keep the figure and try something for one of the new texts?
Miryam and Itai we like, but I'm afraid it just won't do. We need new illustrations for this poem. It is one of the most difficult ones, I know. But honestly: All of you can do a lot more for this poem! I wrote it before, but the balance betwenn poem and illustration has to be as close to equal as we can get. This poem is a real challenge and an opportunity for anyone who can tackle it!
Lena again. I'm almost a little reluctant to say it, but the illustration is simply the best one. And here of course we're in a bit of a bog, because we didn't want to use two illustrations from one of you but more about that later. So: Lena, please send your illustration to Dozi!
„On foot“:
We would like to take Sofia's illustration for this poem. But: Please send us a scan of the whole page, and could you maybe write a translation of „on foot“ (just the title, not the whole poem of course!) below the illustration? We like the style of your work, and it is also a decision for diversity, so please send the illustration to Dozi.
So far so good. Just a few remarks for those who submitted more posts:
gidi: We really like the way you're working for the blogg. Keep it up! We would like to use Felix' „portrait“ for an afterword in the magazine, maybe you can do more of these illustrations when we are in Jerusalem? And: We really want to use some of your work but we keep finding details that don't want to fit – just keep it up and maybe try to be a little less shy with your work!
We really like the picture you posted and could definitely use it for something in the magazine, but you have to get rid of that photo!
I spoke to Felix again about your picture. I've seen that you've posted a new version, but I would like to ask you to try the following: Why not draw the soldier linear and colour the wall? We won't use it for „in grey“ but we'll use it for something else!
Thanks to everybody for their work so far. New texts have been uploaded, and we really need good results soon, so keep on drawing!
Montag, 22. Dezember 2008
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