If we tolerate this then your children will be next: a short letter to the Europien reader
The illustration refers to a Dutch folk tale about a village that has a big dam right above it , a kid from that village sees a crack in the dam with water starting to pour out of it. He understands that if he doesn't stop the water immediately then the crack is going to get bigger and bigger and eventually brake the dam, so he sticks his finger in the hole and stops the leek.
He stays like that all night and the day after until a man from the village finds him, understanding that the kid saved the village.
Illustrations and movies dealing with the situation in Israel almost always use the same metaphor off the little innocent kid fighting the big tank, or a little innocent kite flying over the wall and shot by the bad soldiers and so on. It is very easy to romanticize the situation in Israel and miss out the complexity of it.
I believe that this image should be used the other way around. In reality, Israel is facing something much grater then the Palestinian terror, much grater then itself as well - a force widely underappreciated- It is called radical Islam.
Islam today is a religion hijacked by a radical interpretation, the moderate voices within is nearly unheard. It is a force threatening all of the moderate regimes of the Muslim world, as well as some of those of the Christian world.
Its not the Palestinian kid who is facing an enormous frightening force, it is the Israeli one, he is holding that finger in the dam for all of you.
The cracks in the dam between this force and Europe are wide spread, it would not be to hazardous for me to assume that you will find it at your door step in the very near future. In fact, it is already there, the sooner you realize it the better.
2 Kommentare:
Whose is this? The FR chose your illustration, so congratulations as far as that goes… The citation in the illustration is not so very good, especially if you have something to say…
why is it "not so very god"? I have something to say, that is whay I wrote it. what I wrote is what I wanted to say.
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