Samstag, 3. Januar 2009

New decisions and get your act together

Hi everybody, we've made new decisions, here you go:

1.: Postproduction
Tamar, we'll take your illustration, but please extract the main illustration from the background and please upload it as soon as possible via, send the link to

2.: Second Urban Panneau
We liked basically all illustrations for this poem for different reasons, but we'll take Nitzan's. So Nitzan, please upload it as soon as possible via, send the link to

3. The Knacker
Oren, we'll take your illustration, but honestly: Put more work into it! Talk to Felix about the illustration, he can always give you hints.

And thats that. We will not take any of the illustrations for „Accessory“ or „Estoy Durmiendo“. You have until Friday to come up with new illustrations. Just once more: Have a look at the texts, read them closely, then post what you have! So, next Friday is the deadline for these two texts.
We've also uploaded new texts, so get started on those too.

Simply stated for everybody:
1. Do something for Accessory and the Abstract to „Estoy Durmiendo“, you have until next Friday. It does not make sense that we only receive three illustrations to one text – especially not if the task is to illustrate your personal utopia – no close reading, nothing.

2. Download the new texts from

3. Post your illustrations

4. If we choose your illustration, please upload it as soon as possible via, send the link to

You can tell that I'm not too chuffed about the progress.
So get cracking! There's not much time left, and some of the results are still meagre.

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